This is trial run #1: using the git-wiki-theme project. You can see more details with the original readme found on the skeleton đ page. This page will be here as an example of the syntax for wiki pages, but the actual info there really only pertains to Enlight and Brayconn.
This wiki uses GitHub accounts, so make sure to login to that. If you have admin/maintainer privileges for the GitHub repository, the edits will be instant. Otherwise, submitting changes should make something called a âpull requestâ that can be approved by the admins.
Discussion of this project is primarily found on the CSMC Discord Server. If this doesnât work out then Enlight can try other solutions. Also if we determine to stick with this then of course this homepage here will also get changed to something more serious.
CSMC Discord Server: The Discord Server for the Cave Story Modding Community. It was mentioned earlier, they are the primary maintainers of this wiki.
Editors: Editors for modifying and applying Cave Story maps, tweaks and TSC.
Engines: Engines for running The Most Excellent Game Cave Story.
The Example Page: Which does exist. For now. This is the primary guide form that other pages should follow. If you havenât played Cave Story yet, you are probably lost on the internet. I would recommend that you acquire a map or follow a quest marker to make your way to the destination you are trying to reach.
All other pages: A complete list of everything on the wiki so far.
As mentioned earlier, this homepage will be more serious eventually.