# If you want type 1 and type 2, you combine them to create type 3. Certain combinations do not work (They will be listed) /////////////// // Type List // /////////////// 1 - Move the background horizontally with the players camera. 2 - Move the background vertically with the players camera. 4 - Scroll the camera horizontally automatically -- similar to Ironhead fight. 8 - Scroll the camera vertically -- similar to Ironhead fight. 16 - Align the background with gWaterY and the players camera. 32 - Display the background on the foreground instead. [FORCES THE IMAGE TO LOCK TO THE PLAYERS CAMERA AT ALL TIMES INSTEAD OF THE MAP TILES] 64 - Add random amount of speed to the X direction, minimum being (0 subtracted by animation speed), maximum being animation speed. [Only if type 8 is set as well] 128 - Add random amount of speed to the Y direction, minimum being (0 subtracted by animation speed), maximum being animation speed. [Only if type 4 is set as well] 256 - Lock the background to the Y axis at all times. [Incompatible with type 512] 512 - Lock the background to the X axis at all times. [Incompatible with type 256] 1024 - Background x/y position is random between 0 and x/y respectively, animation speed is random between (animation speed, and animation speed * 2), animation counter is random between 0 and animation speed, and starting animation frame as random between 0 and amount of frames. # Horizontal Scroll Speed # Speed at which the background scrolls horizontally. This is a decimal value! "Follow Slowly" and "Follow Foreground" backgrounds in vanilla Cave Story use a value of "0.9". Example: bkBlue in vanilla would be "0.9" # Vertical Scroll Speed # Speed at which the background scrolls vertically. This is a decimal value! "Follow Slowly" and "Follow Foreground" backgrounds in vanilla Cave Story use a value of "0.9". Example: bkBlue in vanilla would be "0.9" # Sprite Number # How many sprites your background has. If set higher than 1, then you can have a background with animated frames as well! Example: bkBlue in vanilla would be "0" # Animation Speed # How many frames it takes for your animated background to go to the next frame. This will do nothing if "Sprite Number" is not greater than 1. Example: bkBlue in vanilla would be "0" # Map X Position # Position the background should be placed on the X axis in amount of pixels. 1 tile is 16 pixels, so setting your background to "16" will cause it to be offset by 1 tile rightwards from the origin point of the map. Note: It's a decimal, so you can offset it by subpixels as well! # Map Y Position # Position the background should be placed on the Y axis in amount of pixels. 1 tile is 16 pixels, so setting your background to "16" will cause it to be offset by 1 tile downwards from the origin point of the map. Note: It's a decimal, so you can offset it by subpixels as well!