Cave Story Modding Wiki
  1. Advanced Freeware Hacking
    1. Booster’s Lab Resources
      1. HEX patches and XML addons
    2. Assembly (ASM/DouA) Lists and Notes, and tutorials
    3. Additional Advanced Hacking Resources

Advanced Freeware Hacking

Eager to get down and explore the jungle inside the game executable? Check out these tutorials and documents to get started on some advanced hacking!

Before you begin doing such advanced hacking, it is strongly recommended that you join the Cave Story Modding Community discord server, so that any questions or misunderstandings can be resolved easily.

Booster’s Lab Resources

HEX patches and XML addons

Assembly (ASM/DouA) Lists and Notes, and tutorials

Additional Advanced Hacking Resources

  • Clownacy’s .dll Mod Loader (.OGG music support, Widescreen Support, etc.)
  • Gamemanj’s “PEONS” (Program that allows you to add free space into the EXE without breaking existing code.) Download: (Wiki page), (Dropbox)
  • Gamemanj’s “NICE” (DLL loader for certain C-programming languages, comes with .ogg and .flac music player, and allows easier NPC programming.) (Note: this tool is depricated in favor of Clownacy’s modloader)
  • TXin’s ZPlay loader (OGG, MP3, WAV, FLAC, AAC music, supports pitch transposition, audio reversing and speed changing), not yet released, assumed abandoned.